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My daughter and I sat down with multiply sized things and a box of condoms. We put condoms on every one of those things, including our arms. Not Magnum/XL condoms. "Regular" condoms (which are basically the same things since the XL thing is marketing)

I then told here-- "See this? I put this condom on my arm and you put one on yours. Any penis owner who tells you that a condom won't fit? They are lying to you."

So I guess any penis owner who sent me a note like that? I'd send back a photo of a condom on something much larger/girthier than penises. Maybe an eggplant. Because... just stop lying to yourselves and others.

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I’m dying bc this is exactly right. Dudes who talk about having massive cocks NEVER do. Also, there’s a whole contingent of men who know how to take dick pics at the right angles. Like you actually can’t *always* tell from a dick pic how big someone is which is why so many men send them. The biggest dudes are ALWAYS the most modest. Which is another reason why size matters IMO. BC a secure man who isn’t trying to overcompensate/gaslight his future lovers isn’t going to be prioritizing her pleasure as much as his own ego.

(thank you for linking to my piece anonymous soul sister. ❤️‍🔥)

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Yes! This! The biggest cocks have always arrived unannounced to me.

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Always 🎀

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What I want to see "I give great head, I love the pussy and the ass". Send me lip pics. Show me how flexible you are, upper body strength. We are all on Tinder to get laid, so reality in male posts would be refreshing. I could only deal with the charade for a few months.

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I think it's actually quite clear. I get annoyed enough when men vocally announce a preference for slim women (since that's in our control, at least somewhat) or large breasts (which we can't control without surgery) so can't imagine how it feels for a man to be critiqued for something they can't control and can't really modify with surgery. No wonder they lead with it.

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Sarcastic Font:

It's not how long you make it

It's how long you make it long

Apologies to a parody of the 1960's cigarette commercial...

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I’ve been around the blocks over a few decades and have met exactly 2 men who could honestly boast about size. What a dumb ass move to flaunt what you don’t have.

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I have learned in my 65 years of life if someone is constantly bringing penis size into the conversation, he’s got a pencil dick. Js 😆🤣😂

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On the flip side, I read a lot of romance novels written mostly by women. Frequently penis size is written about and honestly it's always how big or thick it is. Are we perpetuating the lie? It annoys me to read the exaggeration because I have had very satisfying sex with average size penis.

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I prefer average penis too 6 1/2 inches tops, Im good on the rest!

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Was literally JUST THINKING yesterday as I swiped left on so many people just mentioning penis size at all that women never ever do this re their bodies?! Who is it working on!!

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Since I met my husband when I was 23 I don’t have a ton of experience in this department, but I can say that of the handful of guys I dated before being with my husband, they seemed pretty average except for one who didn’t tell me he was above average, but he absolutely was, and frankly it made me not want to have sex with him. At the time I had never had sex at all, so I found it very intimidating in a, “Yeah, that’s not really what I want to do” kind of way.

I don’t know why any man thinks women want to hear about how big their penis is- in the case of my husband we talked for days before we met since we started talking on Match.con and we never once talked about that. We also started sleeping together pretty soon after becoming exclusive, so it’s not like it was something I was in the dark about anyway.

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Fantastic observation! I can confirm from my own experience that this is true! Some

men have a false arrogance of their penis size and how far they think their fibs will get them is comical. If a woman was seduced enough by their bold brags to actually get into bed with them, do they think she’s going to stick around once she discovers the truth? That’s not something you can fake.

What baffles me is that men (athletic men anyway)have pretty good evidence of how they measure up having showered with others in the locker room. Despite this, they continue to boast to women as if we have no comparison to make.

I’ve learned that when men talk about their penis size, they’re looking to get laid. If that’s what you both want, fine. Just proceed with caution as likely the fish they caught last weekend was significantly smaller too!

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Most men don’t sport erections in the locker room showers. Some men are growers while others are showers, so comparisons in the flaccid state can be deceiving.

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True story: after P in V sex for the first time with someone, which was mediocre at best, he turned to me and said “I bet that was fun for you, I’m half Black.”

I tried so hard not to laugh it probably looked like I was smiling.😂

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See me being the truth bitch teller that I am, esp if I had to deal with mediocre, wouldve laughed right in his face😂😂 if you have the audacity to make jokes, I have the audacity to laugh bahahaha

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What a bunch of fuckin weirdos.

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I always say it's small, perfect for a butt fuck

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As a sex worker Ive seen my fair share of dicks and I gotta say, most of them are small or “average”, most American men DO NOT have big packages😂

I once was giving a lap dance to this guy who kept boasting about his HUGE cock so I let him show me, not only was it small it was the ugliest fuckin cock Ive ever seen 🤦🏽‍♀️

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100% Correct. Of every one I've had the pleasure, the best and/or biggest lovers said nothing about their person nor prowess.... delightfully so!

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